Our Services
a wide expertise in economics, systems engineering, decision science and data science. Our team has experience applying these domains on behalf of public and private clients across industries: in aerospace and defense industrial applications, health and human services, finance and technology services, advanced manufacturing, etc.
Our joint engineering and economics perspective unifies both bottom-up operations approaches to find actionable levers on complex social and technical systems, and top-down systems approaches to find solutions that are repeatable and generalizable.
Valdos brings together
Comparative advantage analysis
Market size & customer distribution forecasting
Economic impact assessment
Technology commercialization strategy
Forecasting changing skills needs with technology choice
Technology adoption & implementation strategy
Situational awareness of skill availability and workforce development targeting
Survey design & analysis for evaluating provider contracts and incentives
Product-specific revenue modeling
Manufacturing shop floor layout & process design
Capital investment & technology choice analysis
Technical infrastructure analysis & optimization
Cost minimization / profit maximization modeling
Cost-benefit analysis
Structural modeling for policy impact prediction
Program evaluation & performance measurement
Policy alternatives evaluation & development